Friday, September 21, 2007


my friends dad died last week. at age 60, he suddenly died. a massive heart attack as he was traveling in the airport.

i've been thinking not only about my friend and his family and feeling sympathy for their grief of such a sudden loss, but it's also made me think about family in general ...about the bond between parents and children. early on in life it's such an open connection, such a dependence between child and parent-- a relationship i'm beginning to enter into, but on the other side. the dependence fades, but the bond is still there. it will be always in the debths of our souls. none of us is invincable. the one thing in life that is "known" is that some day, at some time we will all 'pass on.' we will leave and we will be left, to pass on to whatever or who ever is next. the one 'known' in life, and yet when are we ever prepared?

as i embrace new life, i want to embrace all that life brings. i work with patients every day who have experienced huge trauma in life; they and their families teach me persistance & love through such significant challenge. my hope for myself is to be a parent who can keep focused on the day at hand, and the love at hand, and to try to instill this in my child. not to fear what is next, but embrace life as it is...full of energy that is never created or distroyed, but is altered over time. family and community...will grow and change over time, but energy created by these bonds should continue to always keep us strong. i'm so glad to have you all as part of my family and my community.

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